Emily Medlock

Emily Medlock

Emily Medlock has always been a spiritual person who isn’t afraid to dig deeper into the meaning of things.


After studying University of California, Berkeley happiness course, she learned that happiness comes from nine practices – social connections, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, mindfulness, flow, gratitude, awe, and play. When applied, not only can anyone find joy in life, but Emily believes they can experience deep happiness.


With a background in psychology, she believes transparency and empathy are the keys to good relationships, whether in business, romance, or familial.

Emily wants to make the most of life by caring for her physical, spiritual, and mental health. That’s why she makes it one of her goals to share her passions and knowledge with the world so that perhaps they grow too.


About LifeFamilyFun

Life Family Fun is a website where you can find inspiring ideas for making the most of life and having lots of family-focused fun. Learn more about us and our editorial.

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