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8 Self Care Ideas for Busy Moms for Quarantine and Beyond

By Life, Family Fun Team


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Self care ideas. At this point you probably need them. With everything that’s been happening over the past months, you’ve probably run yourself ragged. That’s what moms do. We put everyone else first until there’s nothing left for us. We empty ourselves out and then wonder why we burn out. From small things like finding what’s right in front of our kids to bigger things like picking up after our husbands – who are completely capable of doing it themselves, we do everything for everyone except ourselves.

That’s a sure path to implosion, so let’s talk about self care ideas for us moms, and why it’s so important that we take care of ourselves. Don’t forget to print these self-care printouts I created for you to place on your mirror or fridge as a daily reminder!

Why These Self Care Ideas are So Important

Self-care is important because it affects everything else in your life. Everything from the way you parent to your marriage/relationship, and your general outlook on life is colored by how well you do or don’t take care of yourself. When you burn yourself out, you become less you. You aren’t there for yourself or anyone else. You’re grouchy. You’re passive-aggressive. You’re always fighting some kind of bug from the stress of life. You might even be depressed. All of these things can and do become issues when you allow yourself to always be last on the list of people you take care of. 

Self Care Ideas for Busy Moms

Practical Self Care Ideas

Of course, sometimes self care is a day at the spa, but for some moms, that’s not an option. Not all moms can afford to take a full day off of work or family, and some moms just aren’t into that kind of thing, to begin with. Right now, it’s not an option for any of us, so what are some great self care ideas that don’t involve a day of manicures, pedicures, hair care, and wine? There are actually tons of ways to take care of yourself in a practical way. They help keep you mentally and emotionally healthy and focused.

Connect with Family and Friends

Just because we’re all quarantined doesn’t mean we can’t connect with our family and friends. Our smartphones are for more than Candy Crush! Send a text. Make a call. Heck, you can even face time, so you can actually have a “face to face” conversation. 

10 Minutes of Quiet Time

As little as 10 minutes of time to yourself can help you recharge your batteries. It doesn’t have to be much. Read a few pages of a book. Sit on the front porch. Be silent and still. That’s all it takes to help recharge you.

Do One Thing You Enjoy

Do one thing you really love. No matter what it is. Whether it’s reading or a guilty-pleasure like an ultra-dramatic reality TV show ordering online something just for yourself like some favorite makeup kit or piece of jewelry from moonmagic.com – do it. Give yourself permission to do something for yourself. That’s the goal behind all these self-care ideas. 

Get Creative

You can get creative by yourself or with the family. Self care isn’t synonymous with being alone. Do a craft with your partner, the kids, or all of you together if you want. Just do something other than the humdrum everyday things you normally do. 

Plan Something

We’re all stuck at home right now, but that doesn’t mean we’ll always be on lockdown. We have things to look forward to. Keep that hope and knowledge alive by planning something fun that either you or you and your family can do once life gets back to normal. Keep that new day on the horizon. 

Listen to Music

Music has the power to change our entire perspective. Put on some uplifting music. Whether it’s faith-based music, pop, rock, country, classical, or whatever, put on what makes your heart sing and let that positivity flow into you. Soak it in. Music feeds the soul. 

Related: Let’s Talk Wine – Perfect Date Night With Wine and Music

Read Something Positive

Whether you have a favorite comedian or you love daily affirmations, find a book that focuses on something positive that you enjoy and give it a daily read. Just a couple of pages can drastically change your daily outlook on life. 

Pamper Yourself

You might not be into a spa day, but giving yourself a little bit of sass is a great way to feel better. You can still do this in the comfort of your own home without it costing a ton. You don’t need an entire day to do it – and let’s face it, right now none of us have that option, anyway – you just need a few minutes. Paint your nails, wash your hair (you know it’s been too long), or just throw on a dash of lipstick. Remind yourself that you’re amazing. 

Related: 10 Momcation Ideas At Home: It’s Time To Embrace the “Momcation” Time That You Deserve

Print out this DIY Home Spa Printout 

DIY home spa ideas

Print Out this Home Spa DIY Miracle Mayo – Oh the things you can use with mayonnaise! 

things you can use with mayonnaise


7-Day Headstart Self Care Ideas

For some women, self care ideas can feel like they’re takin got much time away from their family responsibilities. I have actually heard some women say the entire concept of self care was some kind of fad term or that it was corny. For any of those women, I say to give this 7-day self-care headstart a try. Trying these self care ideas, coupled with the affirmations that go with them, over the course of 7 days can get you on a path to taking better care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

Day One: Take Control

Action: Create and complete a bullet journal entry. 
Affirmation: I am a confident mom. I get things done. 

Day Two: Breathe

Action: Outside or inside, get active and move your body.
Affirmation: I love my curves. Healthy, not perfection, is the goal.

Day Three: Realize Help is Good

Action: Ask for help with something you’ve been struggling with from family or friends. 
Affirmation: Asking for help make me stronger, not weaker. 

Day Four: Get Organized

Action: Pick one space in your house and clean it out. Reward yourself. 
Affirmation: Being organized makes me feel good and relieves the clutter in my home and mind. 

Day Five: Prioritize

Action: Prioritize daily tasks and create to-do lists. 
Affirmation: I can make both myself and my family my priority. 

Day Six: Enjoy Life

Action: Spoil yourself using 6 sense self care. 
Affirmation: I can take better care of others when I take good care of myself. 

Day Seven: Eat Healthy

Action: Prepare a new meal using healthy ingredients like fresh produce.
Affirmation: I am happy and healthy when my family is happy and healthy.

Self Care Ideas to Get You Centered

Not all self care ideas involve wine, spas, and girl trips – although those are all great. Sometimes, great self care ideas can just be getting a few minutes alone to do something you love or just do nothing tall. Give these self care ideas a try, and see if they can’t help you recharge and rejuvenate your spirit. 

self- care ideas long bulletin

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