Curbside pickup is a huge help for everyone right now. It allows us to get the items we need while remaining as far away from other people as possible. It’s been an excellent way for loved ones and me to stay safe while getting our food and supplies. However, when it comes to getting our pet supplies, that service has been severely lacking. We’ve had to purchase our pet food and supplies from grocery stores – where the prices are a lot higher – just to have that peace of mind. Thanks to Hollywood Feed, though, that’s a thing of the past.
Get Curbside Pickup for all Your Pet Supply Needs at Hollywood Feed
During this crazy pandemic we’ve all been struggling through, everyone has been worried about finding food and supplies for their family, and understandably so. However, in our rush and our fear, we forgot something very important. Our pet supplies! In fact, I have a friend who rushed out to get everything he needed for his family, and then later said to me, “We can’t find dog food. I can’t believe I forgot to stock up on that!”
We’ve all done it to one degree or another, but now that we know we’re going to be in this for quite a bit longer, we need to figure out how to get the supplies we need for our dogs, cats, and other pets while ensuring that we and our families stay as safe as possible.
That’s why I was so happy to learn that Hollywood Feed has begun offering curbside pickup to all of its customers. Now we can get everything we need for our pets safely, securely, and easily. Hollywood Feed has launched their Curbside Pick-Up in all of its stores nationwide. It offers us another layer of safety, added convenience, and it’s incredibly easy to do.
How to Setup Curbside Pickup
All you have to do to take advantage of Hollywood Feed’s curbside pickup is:
- Visit the Hollywood Feed websi
- Set your local Hollywood Feed store as your preferred store
- Browse their site for the items and food you need
- Select Curbside Pick-Up as the delivery method
- Drive to the store and call when you get there
- They bring it out and you go home
Easy, right?
Hollywood Feed is More Than Just Curbside Pickup
Hollywood Feed has so much more going for it than just curbside pickup, although that is a HUGE plus right now. What I love about their store is that they do things differently. Their jerky products are made right here in Georgia. These Georgia Made Jerkies are American-made, all-natural, and all tasty for our dogs. Our new pup especially loves the Chicken and Black Bean flavor.

That’s just the beginning, though. Hollywood Feed, which is my preferred store by the way, also price matches, which I love.
Price Match and Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you find a product for less at one of Hollywood Feed’s competitors, they will absolutely match it guaranteed. No hoops, and no headaches.
Finally, one of my favorite things about Hollywood Feed is their satisfaction promise. If you or your pet aren’t happy with your product, they will replace it or refund it. It’s all about customer satisfaction with this company, and they deliver on it every time.
Make Hollywood Feed Your Pet Supply Choice
Right now, curbside pickup is the magic word that everyone wants to hear, and yes, Hollywood Feed is offering that to customers to help them get what they need and stay as safe as possible. However, when all of this is over and things have calmed down, Hollywood Feed is still the perfect choice for your pet needs. Their products are quality. Their commitment to customers is always at the top of their list. Finally, they actually care about their customers, whether they have two legs or four, and that really means something.
And don’t worry if you don’t have a Hollywood Feed in your area. They offer free shipping anywhere in the US on orders of $49 or more!
Hollywood Feed Discount and Coupon Offers
For a limited time, you can get 20% off your first Curbside Pickup order now with code CURBSIDE20 through April 15.
Meet our new puppy, Teddy
As you can see, our new puppy Teddy loves Hollywood Feed as much as we do.
Unfortunately, he hasn’t been able to go in weeks, but then again, neither have we! We’re all so excited that we can take advantage of Hollywood Feed’s curbside pickup, but we also can’t wait until we can take our Teddy back to the store so he can see all his favorite people!
Hollywood Feed Locations
Hollywood Feed has approximately 104 stores to serve you. You can find the nearest location by visiting their Hollywood Feed Store Locator.
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