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7 Essential Energy Saving Tips For an Energy Efficient Home

By Life, Family Fun Team


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Would you like to learn how to cut down your family’s budget by reducing your electricity and energy expenses?  Not to worry, we have compiled some helpful energy savings tips that will show you how you can save money and make your home more energy-efficient. 

Think of what you could do with an extra 1,000 dollars. Perhaps, it would be just enough to complete your down payment on your dream home.

It could help you conveniently pay down some debt. But good things don’t come without a caveat; you’ve got to work for it! Are you prepared to save up?

Make Your Home Energy Efficiency

Saving would mean cutting down your budget; and subsequently, making use of cheaper alternatives. So the question lingers… how?

1. Replace your incandescent bulbs with energy-saving light bulbs

Light usage in the house consumes up to 10% of the total energy consumption of the house. Incandescent bulbs lose 80% of their energy to heat and end up producing light with the remaining 20%. However, LED bulbs are the exact opposite- 80% light, 20% heat. What’s more? They are very cheap.

In fact, LED bulbs are getting cheaper and energy efficient by the year. So, it would make sense if you replace the less efficient bulbs with energy-efficient light emitting diode.

Fortunately, bringing in LED bulbs into your house does not only save you some cash, it saves you the stress of changing your bulbs month.

Led bulbs are designed to function for a minimum of 35,000 hours and a maximum of 100,000 hours. So, with proper maintenance, you could use your LED bulbs for up to 5 years.

2. Pay Attention to Your Appliances

If you really want to cut down power usage in your home, pay close attention to your appliances. Ensure your appliances are always plugged out of the electrical outlet; as leaving it in could cause some power losses.

Again, make sure your refrigerator energy saver is on. Bringing down its freezing temperature would do more good than harm.

For your fireplace insert, get a glass door. Glass doors are the greatest investment you could make in trying to save energy from your fireplace. They limit the amount of air going into the chimney while maintaining the equally distributed heat in your room.

3. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

Taking a hold on the energy consumption rate of your appliances would mean reducing the 13% energy consumption they are responsible for in your home.

When purchasing any appliance look out of the ENERGY STAR label. This means that the appliance has been tested and is known to have a lesser energy consumption rate than other standard appliances.

Again, look out for the annual operating cost and the initial purchase price. Although the initial purchase price of energy-efficient appliances is a bit higher than that of non-energy efficient appliances, the annual operating cost is known to be 9-25% lesser than the other.

4. Reduce the Cost of Heating Water

Undoubtedly, water heating is a major contributor to your home’s energy consumption. So, cutting down on your water heating expenses would certainly reduce how much of your wallet hot water has.

There are 3 ways you can do this. Ensure your water heater is well insulated to avoid energy losses, turn down the thermostat of your heater or just reduce the amount of hot water you use.

5. Insulate Your Home 

Insulation reduces the exchange of heat through walls, roof or a duct. Basically, the insulation would play a key in reducing your utility bill by keeping heat in your home during winter and keeping heat out during summer.

Consequently, the need for a ceiling fan gradually drops- leading to energy conservation. The amount of insulation required is dependent on the area where you live. Also, remember the 5 key places for insulation- your walls, basement, crawlspace, attic, and floor.

6. New Energy Efficient Roof Can Help Save on Energy Costs

Don’t overlook your roof and wait for a bad storm to cause damage. A new insulated roof can also help drastically reduce utility bills. Plus, a built-up roof provides an extra layer of weather protection.

If your home is older than 15 years old, the roofing company should bring your attic’s insulation up to code. Those attics are hot, and we have already discussed why a well-insulated home will help keep heat entering into your home, especially during the hot summer months.

7. Updating your HVAC with Energy Star Certified Model

If your central air conditioning system is more than 10 years old, consider replacing it with an ENERGY STAR certified model. An Energy Efficiency SEER Rating of 12 or higher is considered efficient.

They will help lower your utility bill because less power is required to run the system. This could cut your electric bill by 30%. 

Mitsubishi Outdoor Unit

If replacing your system is not in the budget right now, considering setting the thermostat to 78 degrees and run your household ceiling fans.

What are some other ways that have helped you make your home more energy efficient?  

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