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10 Worst Bedtime Mistakes Parents Can Make

By Elisha Baba


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The worst bedtime mistakes parents can make often start from being inconsistent with routine or discipline. Not establishing clear expectations and creating a calming atmosphere can hinder a child’s ability to comprehend that it is time for bed. It is important to understand these mistakes parents can make when putting children to bed to ensure an environment that encourages rest and promotes healthy sleeping habits.

10 Worst Bedtime Mistakes Parents Can Make

10 Bedtime Mistakes Parents Should Avoid

1. No Bedtime Routine

Having no bedtime routine can be more stressful for both parents and children when trying to get kids to go to bed at night. A consistent bedtime routine makes children less anxious and provides a sense of security that helps them develop healthy sleeping habits. Without a structured routine at bedtime creates an unpredictable environment and can lead to frustration and inadequate sleep.

2. Bedtime Routine is Too Long

While having no bedtime routine can be problematic, one that is too long can be counterproductive and lead to overstimulation. Instead of helping your child calm down and fall asleep, lengthy bedtime routines can be exhausting and prolonged. Children may become reliant on the routine over time, and the parents can end up dreading the process which ultimately cuts into valuable sleep time the child could be getting.

3. Too Early of a Bedtime

Setting a bedtime too early becomes an issue for children who aren’t tired and may find it challenging to settle down. If a parent tries to get their child to go to bed too early, they may find resistance, and the struggle can lead to frustration for both the child and parent. In addition, too early of a bedtime can also cause the child to wake up too early in the morning which could cause insufficient rest and affect the child’s mood and behavior.

4. Changing Up the Routine

When parents change up the bedtime routine often, it disrupts the child’s sense of security and stability that comes with established sleeping patterns. An inconsistent sleep schedule can make a child confused and anxious during the crucial time of winding down and falling asleep. Irregular bedtime routines may also lead to potential power struggles and bedtime resistance.

5. Not Having a Good Sleep Environment

Without an environment that promotes comfort and minimizes disruptions, children will likely have a harder time falling asleep. While a stuffy room can make children uncomfortable and cause them to wake up frequently throughout the night, noise disturbances may also interrupt sleep. A good sleep environment allows children to fall asleep faster and to sleep soundly longer.

Causes of a Bad Sleep Environment

  • Uncomfortable bedding
  • Too much light
  • Too much noise
  • Too hot or stuffy
  • An untidy room full of distractions

6. Using Bedtime as Punishment

Linking bedtime to punishment could cause children to create negative associations with sleep. Children may feel resentful or mistreated when bedtime is a punishment which may lead to anxiety and resistance towards going to bed. Bedtime should be a time of relaxing and decompressing and not a punitive measure.

7. Sugary Drinks

Consuming sugary drinks at bedtime will not only keep children from falling asleep in a timely manner but also increase the risk of cavities and contribute to poor dental health. The high sugar content of the drinks can cause a spike in energy and potentially a drop in blood sugar levels throughout the night, effectively leading to disrupted sleep. And if the drink contains caffeine, the stimulant may exacerbate bedtime problems.

Sugary Drinks Children Shouldn’t Have Prior to Bedtime

  • Soda
  • Fruit juices
  • Sports drinks
  • Energy drinks
  • Flavored milk
  • Sweetened teas
  • Flavored water

8. Allowing Screen time

Letting children have screen time before bed makes it difficult for them to fall asleep. Screens emit a blue light that interferes with the production of melatonin, a hormone that is crucial for sleep. In addition, there stimulating content on screens that will keep children mentally engaged, making it difficult for them to wind down and leading to delayed bedtimes.

9. Having Deep Discussions

When parents have intense conversations before bed, children may become apprehensive about going to sleep. Deep discussions can be emotionally and mentally stimulating for children, leading children to a heightened state of alertness. These conversations could evoke strong feelings that possibly can interfere with winding down.

Deep Discussions Parents Should Avoid Having with Children at Bedtime

  • Family issues
  • School performance
  • Health concerns
  • Behavioral problems
  • Future plans
  • News events or global issues

10. Not Getting Enough Exercise

Physical activity helps regulate the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, so not getting children enough exercise can lead to an excess of energy at night, making it difficult for them to calm down and go to sleep. Lack of exercise may also make children restless and cause them to wake up throughout the night. Overall, insufficient physical activity could lead to bedtime resistance and poor sleep quality, so parents need to encourage regular exercise for children to burn off energy.

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