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20 FREE Houseplant Coloring Pages to Cultivate Peace and Prosperity

By Life, Family Fun Team


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Houseplant coloring pages are the best way to unwind at the end of your day. Plants have long been known to bring peace and tranquility to places and people. But you may not be able to keep actual plants in your home. There might be allergies or pets involved that prohibit growing anything in your household.

20 Houseplant Coloring Pages to Cultivate Peace and Prosperity in Your Life

These coloring pages of various houseplants give you all the benefits without any of the inconvenience. Inhale, exhale, color, repeat.

Free Houseplant Coloring Pages

1. Tiny Grower

Great things are known to come in small packages, and this one is no different. Though tiny, she is mighty. Use any color pot you can imagine, and watch this wonder grow, filling your home with the kind of tranquility you may not have known in years.

2. Lord of the Leaves

You’ll need a moderate sized pot for this giant grower, but not necessarily a lot of room. If you are looking for something to take up considerable space, make your inside greener, and your air cleaner, this is the plant of your dreams. There are many in just green, but they also come in variegated shades.

3. High and Mighty

Consider a horizontally striped container for this horizontal grower. It is tall and topped with giant, green leaves, making it an excellent option for corners. It’s also a perfectly unobtrusive way to add a little greenery to a home that might already be a bit overcrowded.

4. Big and Bushy

Another leafy green, but this one is more of the bushy variety. If you’re looking for something with a bit more heft to it, this might be the way to go. A gorgeous grower that will fill your space and delight your senses.

5. Uplifting Eucalyptus

There may be nothing in the world that smells better than eucalyptus. It’s the reason so many spas use the fragrance, often in combination with peppermint, to create a fragrance that is at once calming and invigorating. The scent and visual appeal of this plant both bring peace and pleasantness into your home.

6. Triangular Topiary

Not technically a topiary, but the triangular leaves of this upright grower will certainly help to put your mind at ease. Tending to tiny trees and other greenery has been shown to reduce stress, as has having them around in your home and work environments. Consider adding one to your house or office.

7. A Glut of Greenery

Not everyone has space in their homes for a greenhouse. But if you’re one of the lucky few who does, go all out and fill your space with as much greenery as possible. Consider petite and gargantuan growers, drought-tolerant succulents and water loving plants.

8. Soaring Succulent

If you thought succulents were just ground-growers, you would be wrong. These tough little plants need very little water to grow, and often bloom with multicolored flowers during their lifespan. And even when everything else in your house and garden appears to have died in the off-season, these persistent little plants will hold their ground.

9. Hangers and Climbers

A greenhouse or garden room is full of giant plants reaching for the ceiling, but that’s not all that’s there. There are hanging plants reaching for the ground even as the ground growers are climbing for the heights. If you ever dreamed of getting lost in your own secret garden, this is the design to use in your home.

10. A Crockwork Orange

None of this design has to be orange, necessarily. But bright colors tend to work best with the neutral color of crockery. And the good news is that these items are already dried, so you don’t have to worry about killing them by over or underwatering.

11. Office Environs

Work will always be a bit easier when you fill your office with greenery. Add some books – for work or play – and a place to put things away at the end of the day, so you can separate work life from home life. It takes a little less to achieve balance when greenery is on your side.

12. Happy Habitat

Don’t stop at the office. Fill your whole home with all kinds of greenery to feel peaceful at every hour of the day. Looking for a creative way to do this? Consider pots in different sizes and shapes, and most certainly different colors.

13. Shaggy Shaman

You don’t have to be capable of communing with spirits to channel inner peace. Consider adding one of these shaggy stunners to your space to give yourself some much-needed peace of mind.

14. Counter Cubicle

Looking for an escape from your cubicle? Good news if you’re working from home. With little more than a foldout table and chair, and a few potted greens, you can set up a serene place to work. Consider adding them at eye level and on the ground to surround yourself with the gentle feeling of greenery, no matter what your current focus is.

15. Optimistic Ovals

All shapes of plants have health benefits. You just need to decide what you personally prefer. Adding any type of greenery to your environment provides endless opportunities for peace and calmness.

16. Reaching for the Stars

While all plants can provide a sense of peace, some can also inspire us to greater heights. Consider this gargantuan grower which reminds us we only grow when we reach for things outside our comfort zone. We must stretch beyond what we know to develop into who we are truly capable of being.

17. Green Room

You might think of a place for celebrities to wait for interviews when you hear about green rooms. But they are also quiet, peaceful places, and there is no reason you can create that space in your own home. Create a place for solitude in your own home, and while you may want to travel, you’ll never need to go far to find peace of mind.

18. Spikes-O-Plenty

This tiny charmer can fit just about anywhere in your home. Put it on desks, shelves, mantles, or anywhere else you can think of. It’s a succulent, which makes it low-maintenance, too. It’s the perfect companion if you’re seeking a bit more calmness.

19. Social Climber

There’s no glass ceiling for this green giant. Never boastful, but willing to go to great lengths to reach heights others wouldn’t. And willing to grow wherever she’s planted, with little maintenance required. She’ll thrive if you dote on her, but don’t overdo it. This little green gem is proud of her independence.

20. Tree of Life

A gorgeous, low-maintenance companion to keep at your bedside or in your office. Not able to have plants where you are? No problem. Hang your colored drawing once it’s finished. You’ll get almost all the same benefits. And maybe a few extra from the sense of accomplishment, having created your own room or desk decoration.