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What Does NSFW Mean? 

By Elisha Baba


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You’re chatting online with someone when they use the acronym NSFW, and you aren’t sure what they mean by it. NSFW is an acronym often used on online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit.

What Does NSFW Mean? 

What Does NSFW Mean?

NSFW is an acronym that stands for “not safe for work,” and it is usually posted as a disclaimer for content. It can be attached to a photo, video, or text, and it is letting the viewer know that the content may be sexually explicit or controversial and shouldn’t be viewed in an area where someone can look over your shoulder, like work.

Content marked NSFW is considered to have an age rating of 18+, and anything marked NSFW should be viewed with caution as it may be disturbing to the viewer.

How to Use NSFW

  • “I’ll tell you later, the story is NSFW.”
  • “Here’s a pic, it’s NSFW.”
  • “NSFW, view at your own risk.”
  • “Video NSFW.”
  • “Ew, that is NSFW. Don’t show me that.”
  • NSFW is a label used for content that may be sexually explicit, violent, or controversial in nature.

Using NSFW the Right Way

NSFW is an easy acronym to use, and it should be used as a tag or in the title of any content that is intended for adult viewers only. If you are shown something you consider inappropriate, you can let whoever sent it know that it is NSFW.

NSFW Variations

The only variation of NSFW is SFW, which is an acronym indicating that content is “safe for work” and can be viewed in a public environment.

Should you worry about your child using NSFW?

If you catch your child using the NSFW acronym or viewing content that is marked as such, your child is likely viewing inappropriate images and videos. You should have a conversation with them about the dangers of NSFW content and consider getting some sort of parental control app for your child’s electronic devices.